health systems optimization workshop

12-13 September 2014

Chicago, IL

Center for Engineering and Health

Northwestern University

  1. Travel Support

  2. An NSF grant allows us to support the participation of a limited number of Graduate Students, Post-Docs, and Medical Residents.  All supported participants need to present (oral or poster) and apply by midnight August 8th.  The grant can cover travel and lodging expenses up to $500.  All applicants must include:

  3. 1)A 2 page extended abstract

  4. 2)Short CV

  5. 3)A short (1 page) statement of interest

  6. 4)A brief endorsement of advisor/mentor

  7. 5)Applications need to be sent via email to: before the deadline with the subject line “Travel Grant” and applicant’s full name.

  8. Important dates:

  9. -Open date:    July 1, 2014

  10. -Deadline:      Aug 8, 2014

  11. -Notice:           Aug 15, 2014